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Flourishing Measure at Harvard University

Please respond to the following questions on a scale from 0 to 10. You can read about flourishing here.

  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days?
    0 = Not Satisfied at All, 10 = Completely Satisfied
  2. In general, how happy or unhappy do you usually feel?
    0 = Extremely Unhappy, 10 = Extremely Happy
  3. In general, how would you rate your physical health?
    0 = Poor, 10 = Excellent
  4. How would you rate your overall mental health?
    0 = Poor, 10 = Excellent
  5. Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?
    0 = Not at All Worthwhile, 10 = Completely Worthwhile
  6. I understand my purpose in life.
    0 = Strongly Disagree, 10 = Strongly Agree
  7. I always act to promote good in all circumstances, even in difficult and challenging
    0 = Not True of Me, 10 = Completely True of Me
  8. I am always able to give up some happiness now for greater happiness later.
    0 = Not True of Me, 10 = Completely True of Me
  9. I am content with my friendships and relationships.
    0 = Strongly Disagree, 10 = Strongly Agree
  10. My relationships are as satisfying as I would want them to be.
    0 = Strongly Disagree, 10 = Strongly Agree
  11. How often do you worry about being able to meet normal monthly living expenses?
    0 = Worry All of the Time, 10 = Do Not Ever Worry
  12. How often do you worry about safety, food, or housing?
    0 = Worry All of the Time, 10 = Do Not Ever Worry

    The flourishing index score is obtained by summing the scores from each of the first ten questions and results in a total score from of 0 – 100. The secure flourishing index score is obtained by summing the scores all twelve questions and results in a score from 0 – 120. However, for purposes of interpretation, we recommend that the flourishing and secure flourishing scores are reported as averages of the questions (rather than sums) so that all scores are on a scale of 0-10. The average score within each of the five or six domains is also often of interest.

VanderWeele, T.J. (2017). On the promotion of human flourishing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 31:8148-8156.

Read More: How to Flourish