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Quiz: How Do You Handle Disappointment?

How well are you handling disappointment

How Well Are You Handling Disappointment?

1 / 10

When I am seriously disappointed, I know that God is my helper.

2 / 10

I wake up ready to face the day.

3 / 10

I engage regularly in enjoyable hobbies or activities.

4 / 10

I blame God for most serious disappointments in my life.

5 / 10

I am making a difference in the world.

6 / 10

I have never gotten over some of my disappointments.

7 / 10

Disappointment ruins my joy in life.

8 / 10

Disappointment paralyzes me, keeping me from doing everyday tasks.

9 / 10

I am hopeful about my future.

10 / 10

I feel like I’m in a dark place.

Your score was %%score%% out of 100 points. The fewer points you score, the better you seem to be handling disappointment.

If you score above 50 points, you may need to make changes in how you process disappointment. Read about the HUGS method for handing disappointment. And don't forget to sign up for the drawing!

Overcoming Disappointment

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Are you dealing with disappointment in your life? Are you ready for future deep and dark disappointments? Take this brief quiz and see how well you’re handling disappointment.

Read How Do You Handle Your Disappointment?